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A high-quality computing education equips pupils to understand and change the world through logical thinking and creativity, including making links with mathematics, science, and design and technology.

Our Computing curriculum is designed to cover all of the knowledge and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum. To ensure that children develop a secure knowledge that they can build on, our Computing curriculum is organised into a progression model that outlines the knowledge, skills and vocabulary to be taught in a sequentially coherent way. Our Computing curriculum is designed around the four key areas which include computer science, information technology, digital literacy and online safety.

Computing has strong links to a variety of other subjects such as mathematics, science, design and technology and therefore we believe that, as an essential part of the curriculum, it is also integrated into all areas of learning, using a range of hardware, software and opportunities. We provide rich and varied learning experiences through a curriculum that is designed to balance acquiring a broad and deep knowledge alongside opportunities to apply skills in various digital contexts.

Core Elements of Computing Teaching

  • Engaging and inspiring lessons that promote critical thinking and curiosity.
  • High quality instruction and questioning with teachers providing carefully planned sequenced lessons that build on knowledge, skills and understanding.
  • Retrieval of previous learning and explicit links through concepts that connect new learning with what the children already know.
  • Cross curricular technology access to enhance learning experiences including iPad and Chromebooks.
  • A focus on ambitious vocabulary used in context.
  • Carefully chosen and planned lessons and activities that are scaffold and adapted to ensure all children meet the intent of the Computing curriculum.


Our EYFS follows the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. ‘Understanding the World’ involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment. With access to iPads and BeeBots, as well as other technology across learning, pupils develop early competency. Teachers facilitate children’s curiosity with challenge and modelling how to use the equipment carefully and safely.

In Key Stage 1, children will learn to understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions. They will be taught how to create and debug simple programs and use logical reasoning to predict the behaviours of simple programs. They will be shown how to use a range of technology purposefully to create, organise, store, retrieve and manipulate digital content as well as recognise common uses of technology beyond school. They will be taught to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

In Key Stage Two, the children will build on their knowledge and experience from Key Stage One and design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals by decomposing them into smaller parts. They use sequence, selection and repetition in programs, use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and correct errors in their own and existing programs. Children will be taught to understand computer networks, including the internet, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. They will use search technologies effectively, learn to appreciate how results and selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content. Children will be taught to select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to create a range of programs, systems and content that achieve given goals. They will be taught to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and be clear how to identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact to keep themselves and others safe.

Cultural Capital

We strive to provide rich and engaging opportunities for children to see aspects of computing being used and applied in the real world. Through enrichment opportunities such as Work Week we invite visitors into school to share their expertise with children, while learning more about how the skills acquired at school could lead to a future career. We take advantage of opportunities to meet experts and isolate their learning within computing or across the STEM subjects.

Digital Leaders contribute to the twice a year online safety newsletter compiled for the community and to the organisation of the annual Online Safety Day which provides opportunity to highlight and reinforce core theme applicable both in school and beyond. They also support the delivery of parent coffee mornings termly.

A laptop loan scheme is in place for family access to technology and home learning subscriptions allow for the continuation of age appropriate cross curricular learning at home.

Accessibility for all children

Our expectation is that the majority of children will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace through supporting children with additional inputs, interventions, peer support and resources.

The ambitious and inclusive nature of the curriculum allows a range of access points that ensure all children, including those with special educational needs, succeed, regardless of their circumstances, with high expectations set for everyone.

For more information on our approach to teaching of Computing, please look at our coffee morning timetable for the next available session or make an appointment in the school office to speak with our Computing subject leader.

Computing Gallery

Computing News

  • 2 December 2024

    Year 6 Master Microsoft Excel

    Year 6 Master Microsoft Excel

    Year 6 have been diving into Excel in their IT lessons, exploring how to format data, work with cells and organise information effectively.

    2 December 2024
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 15 May 2024

    Year 3 IT Wizards

    Year 3 IT Wizards

    Year 3 became IT geniuses using Google sheets. They used this to create a table of data which they turned into a chart. They loved seeing the different ways data…

    15 May 2024
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 8 February 2024

    EYFS Explore Technology

    EYFS Explore Technology

    EYFS have been exploring technology through time as part of Safer Internet Day. They compared how electronic devices currently such as phones, games and computers look different to the past,…

    8 February 2024
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 1 February 2024

    Year 5 Learn Excel

    Year 5 Learn Excel

    Year 5 have been learning how to use Microsoft Excel in ICT. They completed 'The Wizard Challenge' in which they had to use specific cells on a spreadsheet and input…

    1 February 2024
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 9 January 2024

    Photography Exhibition By Year 4

    Photography Exhibition By Year 4

    Year 4 created their own photography exhibition for their amazing pieces. They used their research on German Lorcas' urban landscapes to critically analyse their own work and peers. 

    9 January 2024
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 15 November 2023

    Create A Movie With Year 6

    Create A Movie With Year 6

    Year 6 loved creating their own edit using iMovie. They produced a Spanish presentation showcasing Orchard which will be shared with our partnership schools.  

    15 November 2023
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 22 May 2023

    KS2 3D Printing Project

    KS2 3D Printing Project

    Our KS2 children have been busy designing their very own 3D projects using a program called SketchUp. This video shows weeks of hard work being brought to life in a…

    22 May 2023

  • 3 March 2023

    Online Safety Video

    Online Safety Video

    The Digital Leaders across all three schools enjoyed their cross-site meeting this term. They shared all their IT knowledge and advice and will be creating an E-safety video which will…

    3 March 2023
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 29 September 2022

    Year 2 Grasp How To Use ‘Kidrex’

    Year 2 Grasp How To Use ‘Kidrex’

    Year 2 enjoyed learning how to use child-safe search engines in ICT. They used the search engine 'Kidrex' to find reliable facts, short articles and intriguing videos relating to the…

    29 September 2022
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 19 January 2022

    Digital Leaders Meeting

    Digital Leaders Meeting

    Digital leaders had their second cross site meeting this week in order to look at essential work they have been doing to support ICT and online safety across the school.…

    19 January 2022

  • 17 January 2022

    Year 5 Incorporate ICT into PSHCE

    Year 5 Incorporate ICT into PSHCE

    Year 5 have been applying their ICT skills in PSHCE lessons by using Google slides to create presentations on what they aspire to be when they grow up. After completing…

    17 January 2022

  • 17 January 2022

    Composing Music With Year 6

    Composing Music With Year 6

    Year 6 have been using the app Garageband to start composing their own songs. To do this, they've been choosing a drum loop and recording a chord sequence. They're very…

    17 January 2022

  • 8 May 2021

    Year 2 Purple Mash

    Year 2 Purple Mash

    In ICT, Year 2 have been creating their own branching database about minibeasts, The children worked in pairs, using their growing knowledge to ask questions such as, Does it have…

    8 May 2021

  • 8 May 2021

    UKS2 Debate Mate

    UKS2 Debate Mate

    UKS2 took part in the Urban Debate League competition. Our pupils enjoyed the experience, developing essential skills such as: critical thinking, effective communication and presentation development skills.

    8 May 2021

  • 22 November 2020

    Sketch Up in Year 5

    Sketch Up in Year 5

    Year 5 are creating Tudor style houses using Sketch Up. They used the rectangle and push/pull tools to created pitched roofs and larger upper storey floors in the historical style.…

    22 November 2020

  • 20 September 2020

    Settling into Reception

    Settling into Reception

    This week in Reception the children have had an exciting settling in week. The children have practised their fine motor skills using tweezers, pompoms and beads to sort objects. The…

    20 September 2020

  • 19 July 2020

    From Scratch!

    From Scratch!

    This term our Year 4 pupils have been leaning to code on scratch. They have developed their understanding of how variables work and explored how to make characters change costumes.…

    19 July 2020

  • 15 June 2020

    Home Learning

    Home Learning

    A huge thank you to everyone who continues to send in examples of home learning to the email address. Look at these fantastic examples of creativity! A clock from a…

    15 June 2020

  • 15 June 2020

    Debate Mate Live!

    Debate Mate Live!

    Last week, pupils enjoyed another virtual Debate Mate session, demonstrating significant improvement in their confidence and language skills.

    15 June 2020

  • 9 June 2020

    Home Learning Projects

    Home Learning Projects

    We have seen a number of holiday projects sent in to the home learning email address. What an amazing effort and fantastic outcomes!

    9 June 2020

  • 25 May 2020



    The KS2 pupils attending school had great fun last week using Puppet Pals, an animation app on the iPad, to create their own short fairytale.

    25 May 2020

  • 28 April 2020

    Families’ Week

    Families’ Week

    This week is Families’ Week at Orchard, an opportunity to celebrate the diversity both in our school community and modern society! How will you be celebrating? #familytime @stonewalluk  

    28 April 2020

  • 15 March 2020

    Digital Leader Safety Focus

    Digital Leader Safety Focus

    This term the digital leaders have been busy raising the profile of e-safety. They have designed and written a new information booklet for the school office that is full of…

    15 March 2020

  • 9 February 2020

    Dragons’ Den again!

    Dragons’ Den again!

    Year 6 successfully completed the annual Dragons' Den project, where groups of pupils researched and designed their own invention to make travel easier and more convenient. Their ideas were later…

    9 February 2020