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Pupil Voice Overview

We believe that the views, experiences and influence of our children are a crucial part of our drive to continuously improve our provision. We therefore seek ways to listen to the views of our pupils and involve them in decision-making so that they are engaged as partners in the life of the school. We create meaningful roles for pupils to allow them to develop leadership skills.

Pupil Voice Fayre 2023

On Friday 29th September, Orchard hosted the annual Pupil Voice Fayre. This gave children the opportunity to explore a range of different committees that they might like to be a part of this year.

Children applied for their chosen responsibility and subject leaders and class teachers appointed children from across Years 1-6.

Pupil Voice Experience

We spoke to a few of our children across the Federation to hear about their Pupil Voice experiences. Please view the video below to hear what they had to say.