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This page covers useful information parents about joining the school, moving between year groups and transitioning to secondary school.

Starting Nursery and Reception

We work very hard to ensure that children have a smooth transition into Nursery and Reception. We recognise that the move into a new school or year group is a big one – often for parents and carers as much as for the children.

Below are videos with key information and photographs of our EYFS provision. Please refer to the curriculum and school newsletters for key dates and any updates to start/finish times or changes for each year group/class.

We hope you find the videos useful.

Starting Years 1 to 6

All year groups have government statutory schemes of learning to follow. The children will be assessed at the end of the year to see if they have reached the expected standard. All children are supported in order to achieve this and are given extra support and guidance if needed.

For Year 1, the organisation and timetable for the day looks a little different to that experienced in Reception. For Years 2 to 6, the organisation and timetable are fairly the same.

To help your child with the transition into a new class we have created videos with key information and photographs. Please refer to the curriculum and school newsletters for key dates and any updates to start/finish times or changes for each year group/class.

We hope you find the videos useful.

Starting Year 7

Hackney’s secondary admissions process for children starting Year 7 in September 2024 has concluded. The process was for children who are currently in Year 6 (born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013). The application deadline was set for 31 October 2023. As part of the preparation for the application, parents and carers were encouraged to refer to Hackney’s secondary transfer guide, below which provides essential information for making successful applications.

Hackney’s secondary transfer guide

In addition, open events were held at Hackney secondary schools in September and October of 2023, offering families an opportunity to explore the schools and gather information. These events were intended for families with children who were scheduled to transfer to secondary school in September 2024.