Our Gardeners enjoyed spending time in the school’s garden. They cleaned and hunted for minibe...
- Our gardeners explored through the school garden to see the resources available. They shared future ...
- Head Gardeners enjoyed exploring the school garden, planting and watering the selection growing! ...
- Head Gardeners got together to discuss the importance of having a garden, brainstorming their ideas ...
- The children in Cherry Class took part in a group activity with our school gardener, who taught t...
- Last week, Year 3 children enjoyed taking part in a gardening workshop with our school gardener, w...
- Year 6 took part in a gardening session about photosynthesis, creating a photo sensitive sun prin...
- Year 4 have been studying mini-beasts. During this unit, they made predictions about a range of ...
- Year 3 explored a new point of view on gardening! The session linked to their Humanities topic ̵...
- This week is Families’ Week at Orchard, an opportunity to celebrate the diversity both in our school...
- Join us each Tuesday 3.30pm to 4.30pm!
- Look what we harvest from the school garden!
- Year 4 took part in an exciting workshop demonstrating how linen is produced. Starting from flax as ...
- Year 3 had a fantastic experience learning how to make bread from scratch. They had to make sure the...
- Year 1 had a lovely visit from the Gardening Team. The children learnt about the different parts of ...
- This week Orchard hosted the annual pupil voice fair to explore the responsibilities children might ...
- Year 2 children have...
- The Nursery children have been learning about ‘new life’. It was an exciting half term a...
- Year 1 classes took part in gardening workshops with our resident gardeners. They focussed on the pa...
- Flaxman has his hat on! Hip hip hip hooray!
- Year 4 learnt how to turn their homegrown flax fibre into linen yarn which will be knitted into a ha...
- Year 4 had the exciting opportunity to engage in a second gardening workshop, aimed at furthering th...
- We have held our Pupil Voice Recruitment Fair with applications filled out for many roles… hea...
- A wonderful cauliflower! And the paints from plants lesson at orchard today with year 1. We also did...
- Year 3 had a wonderful time during their gardening workshop, they learnt all about the process of ge...