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Awards and Achievements

At Orchard Primary we strive for excellence in all areas. Here you will find some of our awards and achievements to date.

Artsmark Gold

Artsmark Gold has been awarded to Orchard Primary  School for its commitment to, and excellence in, arts and cultural education. Arts mark is the Arts Council England’s flagship programme enabling schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their outstanding arts and cultural provision.

Anti Bullying Quality Mark

The Anti Bullying Quality Mark has been awarded to Orchard Primary  School for its commitment to developing sustainable strategies to combat bullying and build community cohesion.

Basic Skills

The basic skills Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports continuous improvement in literacy and numeracy. It is awarded to a setting or school to recognise their provision, practice and performance in literacy and numeracy, and is valid for three years. A school or setting must demonstrate a whole school approach to improving standards in literacy and numeracy, with evidence of the  impact of its approaches. Orchard is proud to have been awarded this three times.

Digital Leaders

Launched in September 2015, the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme aims to empower young people to champion digital citizenship and digital creativity within their schools and to educate their peers, parents and teachers about staying safe online.

By signing up to the programme, Orchard have joined an exciting online community with pupils becoming ‘digital leaders’, delivering impactful e-safety messages in school throughout the year through providing training, resources and activities.

Green Flag Award

Orchard have just been reaccredited with the prestigious Green Flag Status. The Green Flag Award is an international initiative, which encourages pupils to engage with environmental and sustainable development issues. It is awarded to schools with high achievement in their programme. It is a recognised and respected eco-label for performance in education for sustainable development. We are now aiming to be an Eco Schools Green Flag Ambassador School!

Healthy Schools (London)

Orchard have been awarded the Healthy Schools London award for the recognition of great practice in ensuring the health and well being of pupils.

Hackney Primary Spanish Award

Orchard have received the ‘gold’ Hackney Primary Spanish Award in recognition of the exceptional language teaching at the school.

Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship Status

Orchard was recently re-assessed for the Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship for the second time  Assessors spent a day at the school talking with staff and observing good practice.  Flagship Status is awarded in recognition of our outstanding commitment to ensuring that all students reach their full potential and we are very proud to have achieved this twice.

The assessor said: ‘A lot of developmental work has taken place in the last year since the IQM Flagship assessment and the school has continued to move from strength to strength with KS2 results showing progress in the top 3% of schools nationally. This is indeed an exceptional achievement for a school that is in the process of expanding to three-form entry.’

International School Award

The Award is an internationally recognised accreditation, awarded to schools which forge links with partners overseas and add an international dimension to the curriculum. Through working on joint projects and adding international elements to lessons, pupils (and teachers) are given a fresh perspective on the world and their place in it.

LPPA: Leading Parent Partnership Award

The LPPA (Leading Parent Partnership Award) is a nationally recognised award achievable by schools who work closely with the families of its pupils. It provides a focus framework for our work with families, communication and helps structure activities for our work with our local community. The award provides a challenging framework within which schools can strengthen their partnerships with parents and carers.

National Support School

Orchard Primary School was designated as a ‘National Support School’ by the National College of School Leadership. This designation is in recognition of our Ofsted inspection results and our strong record in successfully providing school-to-school support to others that have needed our help.

Primary Geography Quality Mark Gold

The Primary Geography Quality Mark is seen as a key strategy for raising the quality of geography in primary schools and has been driving school improvement in geography since 2006. Gold award schools ‘lead the way in providing excellent and innovative geography’

Primary Science Quality Mark Gold

The Primary Science Quality Mark is an award scheme to enable primary schools across the UK to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their science provision. We have used the quality mark to raise the profile of science, to provide a framework and professional support for developing teaching and learning and to celebrate excellence in primary science.

RHS School Gardening Award Level 5

To achieve this level we have had to show we can:

Show our garden has a future

Talk enthusiastically about our garden and inform others of the plants we have growing and any projects or activities we have done

Share our garden with others in our local community through open days, sales and events

Pass on our gardening skills to others in the school or group

Offer our gardening skills to the local community to help with projects or gardening needs

School Games

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Bronze Mark Award.

The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

Speaker’s School Council Awards

Orchard took part in the Speaker’s School Council Awards and have been recognised for their hard work and contribution to the school community!

STARs Gold Accreditation

Gold Award from Transport for London (TfL) STARs accreditation scheme. The scheme, which stands for Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe is organised by TfL and rewards educational establishments for their achievements and commitment to encouraging sustainable forms of transport and road safety for the health and well-being of pupils, parents, staff and the wider community. We are now among the top 10% of London schools, setting high standards to inspire others in transforming travel habits, promoting best practices, and seeing a measurable reduction in the number of journeys made by car every day!


Staff at Orchard Primary School  have received training through the Stonewall Train the Trainer course. These courses gives teachers the knowledge, tools and confidence to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and celebrating difference.