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After School Clubs

We offer a broad range of subsidised after school clubs with an expected 10 week commitment.

Extended Day Club

The extended day club (Orchard Friend’s) enables parents/carers have outstanding, affordable childcare at the end of the school day. The club is staffed by our own school team so the children already know them well. The club operates from our school site which means a smooth transition at the end of the school day.  Places MUST be pre-booked and pre-paid and we are unable to accept casual admissions due to pressure on numbers. The children will be provided with  a healthy snack plus participate in indoor and outdoor activities. They will be encouraged to read, play board games, make models, enjoy organised outdoor sports or do homework and socialise with friends.

After school club is extremely popular with a limited number of places per day so being prepared, booking and paying in advance is very important. We cannot hold places or offer places without advance payment.


If you would like to register a space in Orchard Friend’s, please fill in the form below and hand back to the office for further details.

After School Club Activities

Fitness, health and creativity are all integral parts of the curriculum and these activities are reflected in the range of clubs we offer. Our programme encourages children to develop skills and to broaden their range of experiences and interests.


3.30 pm – 4.30pm


£15.00 per term (Usually 10 sessions in a term)

Please speak to the reception staff for information on how to book.