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Being a Governor

Our Governing body is made up of Local Authority, Co-opted, Staff and Parent Governors.

Our Governing Body

At Viridis Schools we have one governing body for all three schools. The governing body operate at a strategic level and are not involved in the day-to-day running of the school. They are responsible for both the conduct of the school and for the promotion of high standards. Collectively, they set the vision for the school, ensuring that the school works efficiently and effectively towards achieving its vision, and that the school provides a high quality education and ambition for pupil success.

Knowledge and Skills

Governors need not be experts in the field of education. What they do need is an interest in the school and in the welfare of pupils, together with the time and willingness to get involved.

Soft skills such as the ability to build relationships with a range of people, to be able to work as part of a team, to be able to question, and to make connections between different types of information are desirable. All governors are expected to be able to read budget reports and data on school standards.

Expectations of our Governors

Our Governing Board has certain expectations of governors, which currently are:

  • to attend and contribute to a maximum of two meetings a term
  • when required, to sit on a panel or working party and attend all associated meetings
  • to attend termly governor visit mornings
  • to commit to attend training courses
  • to comply with the expectations set out in our Code of Conduct

In return, our Governing Board commits to:

  • provide you with an experienced governor as mentor
  • provide you with a structured induction
  • provide access to quality training
  • develop your skills in strategic management
  • offer you an insight into the wider perspective of the school
  • give you the opportunity to make a difference to our school and the outcomes for our pupils

About our Schools

Our successful partnership of schools are based in Hackney, East London with easy transport links into and out of Central London. Our partnership schools are all graded good or outstanding by Ofsted and we are also recognised for the exceptional achievement our pupils make, particularly our disadvantaged pupils.

We provide a broad ranging curriculum, whilst ensuring that children learn to speak, read, write and count at a level which will give every chance of success. Despite their challenging contexts, our schools have established a highly collaborative and successful way of working supported by continual self-evaluation and improvement. We are committed to ensuring that all children get the best possible primary education.

The governing body of our school is made up of parent, staff, local authority and co-opted governors.

The recruitment process

Co-opted Governor and Associate Governor roles:

The recruitment process initially requires you to complete an application form. If shortlisted, you will be invited to a discussion with the Executive Headteacher and Chair of Governors. If successful, there will be a recommendation to approval by the Governing Body.

Parent Governor roles:

We warmly welcome candidates from every area of our school’s parent community and offer training to develop all governors.

All three school communities will be informed when a parent governor vacancy becomes available via letter.

Anyone who has parental responsibility for a pupil at the school at the time of an election can stand for election; may nominate someone; and may vote. Parents who work at the school for 500 hours per year or are elected members of Hackney Council are not eligible to be parent governors, but may vote in parent governor elections.

More information regarding the parent governor role can be accessed here: https://www.nga.org.uk/knowledge-centre/the-parent-governor-role/