Ofsted Visit 2021
The inspection team were impressed with the high quality learning opportunities for our children and, under the new inspection framework, Orchard Primary School was judged to be overall a ‘good’ school with outstanding features. There were many strengths identified including the ‘outstanding’ Personal Development and ‘outstanding’ provision in Early Years through which pupils get the very best start to their education.
Ofsted Visit 2020 (interim)
Orchard had an interim Ofsted visit on Tuesday 6th October 2020.
Ofsted inspected 1200 schools nationally from a range of prior gradings across the Autumn Term. No schools were legally exempt from an interim visit, because these were not full inspections. The purpose was to reassure and inform parents, the government and the public about how schools are managing the return to full education for all pupils. Her Majesty’s Inspector wrote a short letter after the interim visit. The letter summarises briefly the discussions inspectors had with leaders.
Letter from our 2020 interim visit
Ofsted Visit 2014
The school was graded on four areas, Achievement, Teaching, Behaviour and Leadership and Management and achieved outstanding in every area. The report mentions ‘exceptional attitudes to learning’, ‘exceptional learning’, ‘high quality teaching’ and ‘pupils developing a rich knowledge’ over time.