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Belonging to Orchard Primary School

‘Belonging’ Photography Competition 2022

Pupils across the Federation were invited to take part in a photography competition during the summer term. The ideas was for them to take and submit a photo that they believed depicted or represented the theme ‘belonging.’

Prizes were awarded by the School Council to winning photographs from each year group and all entries were celebrated at each school’s Photography Exhibition held in the summer term.

Below is a slideshow of a few wonderful entries received.

World Week 2021

From September – December 2021, Hackney marked Black History month with an extended season.

During World Week 2021, the ‘Proud to Be’ theme was celebrated and shared through class discussions, written outcomes, and a community video that was created and shared. View the video below.

World Week 2020

During World Week 2020, the ‘Belonging’ theme was celebrated and shared through class discussions, written outcomes and a community video that was created and shared. Please click on the links below to view the videos created across the Federation.

Orchard Primary School

Southwold Primary School

Hoxton Garden Primary School