Hoxton Garden hosted our first cross site Digital Leaders meeting. Pupils shared their thoughts and ...
- Our Digital Leaders have got to grips with their microbits as part of their exciting project. In the...
- Our 2023/24 Digital Leaders have been selected and have received their badges! They had their first ...
- Our KS2 children have been busy designing their very own 3D projects using a program called SketchUp...
- The Digital Leaders across all three schools enjoyed their cross-site meeting this term. They shared...
- The Digital Leaders from years 5 and 6 helped to create and deliver an assembly to their year groups...
- Digital leaders had their second cross site meeting this week in order to look at essential work the...
- Year 5 have been applying their ICT skills in PSHCE lessons by using Google slides to create present...
- Year 6 have been using the app Garageband to start composing their own songs. To do this, they’...
- In ICT, Year 2 have been creating their own branching database about minibeasts, The children wor...
- Year 5 are creating Tudor style houses using Sketch Up. They used the rectangle and push/pull tools ...
- This term our Year 4 pupils have been leaning to code on scratch. They have developed their understa...
- This week is Families’ Week at Orchard, an opportunity to celebrate the diversity both in our school...
- This term the digital leaders have been busy raising the profile of e-safety. They have designed and...
- This week our digital leaders presented to the whole school about the importance of staying safe onl...
- This week Year 6 started their new music production unit of work. They are developing their understa...
- Digital Leaders from Orchard, Southwold and Hoxton Gardens, conducted their first cross-site meeting...
- This week Orchard hosted the annual pupil voice fair to explore the responsibilities children might ...
- Our Digital Leaders have created a SMART poster for KS2 classes reminding children how to stay safe ...
- Well done to our Digital Leaders who participated in the Safer Internet Day. They are at the top of...
- The children met Amy and Phoebe, education officers from Childnet, to plan interactive activities f...
- Our Digital leaders delivered a powerful message to parents...
- Our Digital Leaders have now been successfully recruited for 2018 – 2019. They are undertaking...
- We have held our Pupil Voice Recruitment Fair with applications filled out for many roles… hea...
- The work of our digital leaders has been celebrated in the Childnet Digital Leaders newsletter, dist...
- This week our year four and five digital leaders delivered an assembly to the whole school. The focu...
- Last week, the Viridis digital leaders met at Southwold to collaborate on and create an e-safety lea...