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Parent Partnership Offer

How we work with parents on a day-to-day basis…

Parent Communication

We provide you with timely, accurate information about your child in a variety of ways. The key ways we do this are:

  • Informal Conversations
    We really value developing relationships with all our parents. A member of staff may stop you at the beginning or end of the day to pass on information or simply share some news with you. Class teachers in particular will want to get to know you and pass on key information this way.
  • Phone Calls
    If we are unable to catch you in a playground, if we need to contact you during the school day or if we need a longer conversation, we will call you. It is very important that we have up to date phone numbers for you. In an emergency, we will need to get in touch.
  • Text Messages
    We use texts to issue key reminders to families about upcoming key dates such as class assemblies or upcoming events.
  • Book bags
    A letter in your child’s bag is still a really common way of sending information and messages home – do check book bags regularly.
  • Meetings
    In a variety of situations we may ask you to attend a meeting with school staff. We will always contact you to discuss your availability and be as flexible as possible in arranging meetings.
  • Parent Consultation Evenings
    Once a term we will invite you in for a meeting with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress across the curriculum.

News and Information

  • Twitter and Facebook
    We run both a twitter and Facebook account. We use them to celebrate our successes and give you an insight into daily life at the school.
  • Website
    We use our website as a place for key information and an entry point for prospective parents. It is not the place to see ongoing conversation from the school, although you can find the latest newsletters here and we publish key school dates on our website calendar. If you want to see detail about things like school governance, our performance, our curriculum and our policies, this is the place to come.
  • Newsletters
    We pride ourselves on keeping in touch with our whole school community regularly through our newsletters. These newsletters are an opportunity to share and celebrate achievements and successes across the school. They are a chance to highlight some of the learning that children throughout the school have been involved in, from celebrating a festival to going on a residential trip.

Parents in School

  • Reading Mornings
    Every Friday we invite parents into classes at the beginning of the day to read with their children and other pupils in the class. This is a great opportunity to be part of your child’s learning in a regular way and to help us promote a strong culture of reading. Parents are welcome to join us for reading mornings as and when they can.
  • Open Classrooms
    At least once a half term we invite parents into classes to learn alongside their children. This might be for Design and Technology, focus family days or class based coffee mornings.
  • Parent Information Sessions
    We hold a number of information sessions across the year including a Meet the Teacher session for all KS1 and 2 classes in September, Timestable meeting for Year 4 parents and a SATs meeting for Year 6 parents.
  • Coffee Mornings
    We run parent workshop sessions throughout the year to support parents in understanding the curriculum and how to help their child at home. In addition, we also deliver wider training sessions for parents to develop additional skills, for example supporting children’s wellbeing and online safety.

Parent Views

  • Parent Survey
    We run an annual parent survey and welcome your views and feedback. We use this information to inform our school development plan and next steps. We share the outcomes and resultant strategy with our parents.
  • Parent Comment Box
    We have a parent comment box in the school office for suggestions, comments and reflections.