Our year 5 Reading Champion presented at the launch of the 10 x 10 initiative at Hackney Town Hall t...
- The Librarians would like thank all families who have recently returned books that were at home. The...
- Our librarians were hard at work organising all book shelves ensuring everyone had a neat selection ...
- Our Year 6 librarians got hands on organising the communal bookshelves making it tidy and easily acc...
- Year 4 have been reading the text The Great Kapok tree which links to their topic on Brazil. The chi...
- Year 4 were visited by Salvatore Rubbino author and illustrator of A Walk in London. He shared his s...
- As part of Booklinks, children from Year 2 were visited by the author and illustrator Karin Littlewo...
- This week is Families’ Week at Orchard, an opportunity to celebrate the diversity both in our school...
- As part of World Book Day the Head Librarians organised a book swap. Children brought in books that ...
- A big congratulations to everyone who took part in the Summer Reading Challenge!
- Year 2 created their own poetry. The children were able to identify adventurous verbs, interesting a...
- We were delighted to welcome our new parents in Nursery to Parent Reading last week. Adults joined c...
- This week Orchard hosted the annual pupil voice fair to explore the responsibilities children might ...
- Parent Reading continues to be a much loved part of our weekly routine at Orchard. We love seeing al...
- Our Year 1 and Year 5 pupils celebrated reading for pleasure by swapping classes to share books. Bot...
- We have held our Pupil Voice Recruitment Fair with applications filled out for many roles… hea...